Kenley retractable commercial awning – Waterstones

The Kenley retractable commercial awning is frequently specified for corporate clients who require a robust retractable commercial awning system which can extend across larger widths. This Kenley retractable commercial awning we have recently installed at the Bridport Hill branch of Waterstones has been powder coated in our own plant to match the special Waterstones subdued hues; the fabric is also designed to complement the shopfront surround. The Kenley retractable commercial awning is available with electric or manual controls and a choice of automatic control options including sun and wind response. The awning is not limited to single units; this retractable commercial awning is available in one section, up to thirteen meters long. Multiple units may also be linked to give even longer widths and junction covers may be specified to provide total coverage. Kenley retractable commercial awning arm extensions are available from 1500mm up to 3500mm which means that large areas, suitable for long shop fronts such as this one, or large outside dining are easily catered for.
The resurgence of Waterstones as High Street bookseller is a testament to the power of the written word as held in the hands. The sales of e-books has fallen and Waterstones has been at the forefront of the hard copy resurgence. Sales of children’s books have played a big part in its resurgence, and data from market researchers Nielsen Bookscan revealed that, far from embracing the digital revolution, young readers were among the most resistant, with 75% of children favouring physical books and 35% refusing to read digital copies at all.
Bridport has a wide, vibrant and eclectic cultural mix of events, exhibitions and entertainment. It is also a Gateway Town for the World Heritage Site of the Jurassic Coast and a Beacon Town for promoting the high quality and vast variety of local food. There are several types of markets throughout the month; The Street Markets are held every Wednesday and Saturday in this historic market town, the Farmers Market is held on the second Saturday of the month in the Arts Centre and the Vintage Market at St Michael’s on the last Sunday of the month March – October.
To find out more about our solutions for Shop Awnings.